Grey Antooguk owns the most sought after land on the North Slope of Alaska. Mark Jones, President of Gold Coast Oil Company has plans to take native outlaw’s land. Grey takes Mark out onto the tundra, allows him to take pictures of the bears as he plans to secretly murder, Mark.
Grey pitches the camera over to Mark who focuses on snapping pictures of Polar bears...
Grey steps quietly back a few yards. Looks through the scope of his high-powered rifle... clearly aiming for - and at - Mark. Just as Mark turns around, Grey quickly puts down the rifle next to his side.
The bears are getting restless. Let’s go.
But Mark is entranced.
Hang on, just a few more shots.
The bears are disturbed by the men‘s loud voices, they begin to inch closer... A mother bear roars and runs to cut off her cub. She moves closer... and closer... to Mark.
Come on, man, let’s go - now!
Grey quickly walks toward his truck...Mark walks slowly while making his way back to the truck as well. Grey hears a loud roar. He reels around to find that the Mother bear - is but inches away from Mark.
Grey fires his rifle into the air. But the bear is unfazed. Mark stumbles. The white Queen of the Arctic swipes her claws across Mark’s back, shredding his heavy parka, knocks him face down into the frozen snow. Mark tries to get up but the mother bear now has Mark in her firm grips... she doesn’t let go.
Grey gets in his truck and bows his head. He does not watch the horror that’s now going on outside the vehicle. He takes a deep breath., cranks his truck and drives away.